Tuesday, 16 September 2008

Well, the summer ended busy as usual... Getting ready for school, squeezing in one last family trip up north, getting to all our work meetings, etc... And the school year started out with a new route, and then more changes to that route and new kids added to the route, and more kids added... then to top it all off... the 2nd week of school, Sept 10th, to be exact, our barn burned down!
Thank God that no one was hurt and that we didn't lose anything more than just the barn... Being woken up at 2am by a psycho dog, didn't help the heart-attack level any either... But it was just the police making sure that we were aware that all of our stuff was burning up... We weren't as we were peacefully slumbering totally unaware of what was going on just feet away....
Here are some pictures to wonder at...

Not much left of the barn.

The milkhouse. You can see the ground out front of the barn is all burned also.

View from the back of the barn looking towards the house...

Tom's truck. Door welded (melted) shut, paint blistered, tail-light melted out, tire melted... poor thing... and what does he say, "Bah, it just needs a new tire and it's good to go!"


Well, it has been a busy end of the summer, getting ready for school/work and all... and to top it all off, the 2nd week of school, Sept 10th to be exact, our barn burned down!!!

Talk about crazy. The fire dept was just here Tues afternoon for a small electrical fire that had started and they dumped like 2200 gallons of water on the barn and all around where the fire had started... needless to say we kept watch all night and checked it, like, 8 times (or more) between 4:30pm, when the fire dept left, and 11pm, when we went to bed... then....

Being woken up at 2am by a psychotic dog was a bit heart-attack inducing, to say the least. We didn't know if someone was breaking in or what, but at the moment I heard Tom say, "Oh, F***!! The barn is burning!" I knew it was going to be a long, long night... the kids woke up and of course M thought we were going to all die and the house was going to burn, and V decided to take it upon himself to call 911 (I did grab the phone before he hit connect) since, "ya know, mom. You are supposed to call 911 when there is a fire so the fire dept can come." So matter of fact and calm... crazy little man... calmed them down and got them back in bed. And by 5am, the fire dept was gone, the barn was gone and I was NOT going in to work... uh!!!

By the grace of God, no one was hurt and it was if an invisible hand pushed the fire back... You can see where it burned almost to our fire-pit and something pushed it back to the barn again. The small milkhouse in front of the barn had the roof and wall closest to the barn totally burned but the side towards the house and the back wall and the roof towards the house weren't...

So, here are some pics for you to wonder at....

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Our Barn

Our barn burned down about 2am on Wednesday, Sept 10th. We were sound asleep, all snuggled in for the night when the dog went psychotic on us and scared the crap out of us. Tom said someone was pounding on the door and I thought he said someone was breaking down the door (as in breaking in the house). Grabbed the phone to call 911 and he said, "no, they are banging on the door."

All I hear was, "explative! the barn is burning!" and that was that. Come to find out that someone I used to drive bus with drives truck now and was coming home on Hwy 29 and saw the flames all the way to the Hiway, over 3 miles away.

Needless to say, it is a total loss... the firefighters fought it for about 1 1/2-2 hrs and just said it would be faster to watch it burn rather than keep fighting it... They did a great job containing the fire and keeping any of the other buildings from catching fire.

Here are a couple of pictures of the aftermath...